Walmart vs. Target

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Mission, Vision, Social Responsibilities, and Strategic planning Wal-Mart vs. Target Professor Contee-Boarders January 27, 2012 Wal-Mart’s mission statement states that” We save people money so they can live better.” (Walmart Corporate, 2012) I believe the quality of this mission statement is missing a few things. I could not locate where it says that their mission is helping to make strategic decisions. A mission statement should have the reason why the organization exists, what types of products or services it provides and what values the organization holds. From my understanding, the only reason Wal-Mart exists is to save people money. Wal-Mart needs to elaborate more on how they plan on saving people money. If I have never shopped there, I wouldn’t even know what products they sell by reading the mission statement. The second company I chose to write about is Target. Target’s mission statement states “Our mission is to make Target the preferred shopping destination for our guests by delivering outstanding value, continuous innovation and an exceptional guest experience by consistently fulfilling our Expect More, Pay Less brand promise.” (Target Corporate, 2012) This mission statement tells me the reason that the company exists and that is to deliver outstanding value, innovation and an exceptional guest experience. Their mission is to consistently fulfill the “Expect More, Pay Less promise.” The information I believe needs improving would be who exactly the customer is and what products they are selling. Overall, I think Target has a great mission statement that explains their goals and what they are trying to accomplish. Wal-Mart’s vision statement says that “the vision of the Global Ethics Office is to promote ownership of Wal-Mart's ethical culture to all stakeholders globally.” Wal-Mart has three basic beliefs and they are to have respect for

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