Vulnerable Population Essay

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Vulnerable Population Teen pregnancy general refers to a pregnant female under the age of twenty. Teen pregnancy is associated with poor prenatal care and pre-term delivery (Brown, 2010). Pregnant teens are more likely to receive late or no prenatal care, have gestational hypertension and anemia, and achieve poor maternal weight gain (Webster, 2004). Teenage mothers are also more likely to have a pre-term delivery increasing the risk of child developmental delay, illness, and mortality. Teen mothers are more likely to drop out of school, remain unmarried, and live in poverty, their children are more likely to be born at low birth weight, grow up poor, live in single-parent households, experience abuse and neglect, and enter the child welfare system. Daughters of teen mothers are more likely to become teen parents themselves and sons of teen mothers are more likely to be incarcerated (Hoffman, 2006). All of this can be linked to the teenager’s lack of access to care, fear and misinformation (Brown, 2010). Demographics Nationwide in 2006, 750,000 women younger than twenty became pregnant. The pregnancy rate was 71.5 pregnancies per 1,000 women aged 15–19. Among black women aged 15–19, the nationwide pregnancy was 126 per 1,000, among white teenagers 44.0 per 1,000 and Hispanic teenagers pregnancy rate 126.6 per 1,000 (Kost, Henshaw, & Carlin, 2010). The Florida teen birth rate in 2004 was 42.4 per 1,000 girls aged 15 – 19. Among all states, the 2004 teen birth rate in Florida ranks 30th with 50 being the highest (National Campaign, 2001). According to Cornerstone Consulting group (2001): Palm Beach County (PBC) does not identify the age of the mother in the abortion data it collects, pregnancy rates are not computed for the county. More babies are born to white teens (51 percent) than to teens of other racial and ethnic groups (49 percent); however, only 37
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