Voter Frauds Pros And Cons

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Topic: Voter Fraud or Voter Suppression Date: 10/26/12 There is no right more important than the right to vote. The civil rights act of 1965 expanded voting rights to African Americans by prohibiting the use of literacy test and other forms of discriminatory qualifications. The voting booth is the one place where all are presumed equal, yet the reality is that the playing field is far from level. Citizens are still denied an equal opportunity to cast a ballot and have it counted. Today we are witnessing the greatest attack on voting rights in over a century. A series of new legislations, ballot initiatives, executive orders and administrative practices, are making it harder for individuals to register to vote and to have their vote…show more content…
Voter id restrictions have been introduced in thirty-eight states and were passed in nine states since 2011. While some states require voters to show some form of id, these law limit the forms of acceptable id voters could use. Studies have shown that approximately 11 percent of Americans, that’s about 21 million people, lack a current government id. This populous, disproportionately represents racial minorities (African Americans and Latinos), senior citizens, young voters, working poor and people with…show more content…
Vercellotti, T., & Anderson, D. (2006). Protecting the franchise, or restricting it? The effects of voter identification requirements on turnout. Manuscript, Rutgers University. 3. Davidson, C. (2009). The Historical Context of Voter Photo-ID Laws. PS: Political Science & Politics, 42(1), 93-96. 4. Barreto, M. A., Nuno, S. A., & Sanchez, G. R. (2009). The Disproportionate Impact of Voter-ID Requirements on the Electorate—New Evidence from Indiana. PS: Political Science & Politics, 42(01), 111-116. 5. Walker, Bruce. (11/0913). The wisdom of voter ID laws. The New America. Retrieved from . 6. Cohen. Andrew. (12/09/15).Voting Rights: This is what a strong party Platform Would Look Like. The Atlantic. Retrieved from 7. Hines .Debbie. (12/8/20). Voter Id Laws are the New Poll Tax and Literacy Test. Huff Politics. Retrieved from 8. Mitt Romney Endorse Voter Id.(11/12/27).Retrieved from 9. Daniel, Elizabeth. (11/09/20).The New Voter Identification Requirement. Gotham Gazette. Retrieved from.
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