Visual And Conceptual Differences Between Jean-Pau

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Visual and Conseptual differences between Jean-Paul Goude and David Hockney Many artists used mixed medias for there work, Photography being one. Both Jean Paul Goude and David Hockeny have used photography as mediums to create their images. Their works visually have similarities but I will look into the ways the both create their images and the concepts behind them Jean-Paul Goude is a French Illustrator/ photographer/ director/ advertiser. He is best known for working with Grace Jones for her album covers and music videos. His Photography is usually edited in some way to enhance the look. This was done using paint, cutting and slicking the images. Goude’s photography ranges in appearance and style. Some images are normal flat imaged and very colourful. Where others have been cut and edited. This technique Goude referred to as BC editing (before computers) .He would use a craft knife to slice up a single photo and reposition it. In many of his imaged he would use tape to stick down the re positioned images. This would make the final picture look more unrefined and messy. Looking at ‘ farida, cut up transparency Paris 1992’ (image 1) you can see tape is used onto to reposition the images. This is shown on the final image rather than editing it out. He has also repeated sections of the image when repositioning it. This is to exadurate parts of the body. Her legs and neck appear allot longer. You can see he has created this by multiplying a slice of the leg and inserting 3 or 4 copies of the slice in-between the original photo. This gives the illusion that the legs are much longer. The overall look of the image does not look flat you can see each part is cut up and it looked more like a collage of photos. You and see the outline of each piece and has almost a cubist feel as some pieces are unsmooth and have shifted to make outline of the body unsmooth and

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