Unit 6 Exercise 1 For a twisted pair cable, the first thing you are going to do is to use the cable stripper to strip about 1.5” of the jacket from the end of the cable. Rotate the stripper around the cable twice. This will cut through the jacket. Remove the stripper from the cable and pull the trimmed jacket from the cable, exposing the inner conductors. If the jacket slitting cord is present, separate it from the conductors and trim the back to the edge of the jacket.
I would first measure out the length of cable that I would need. I would then use a wire cutter to cut the length that I need, leaving enough room for corrections and to open the wire. I would then use wire strippers to remove a small piece of the outer most jacket. I would then choose what connection I wanted to make (568A or 568B). I would then untwist the wires and put them in the correct color order that I need.
Then close the load lever to secure it into place. Now align the heat sink over the CPU and tighten it down with the retainers to make sure it secure and plug the power line for the heat sink fan into the spot on the motherboard. Lastly you will want to install the RAM on the board by lining up the notches and pressing down gently in tell it snaps into
Next unscrew off completely the 4 screws that are on the back of the case that connect to power supply and slide out the power supply once unscrewed. 6. Before replacing the new power supply make sure the screw holes match the case screw holes and also make sure power supply fits appropriately. 7. Once that is done, simply slide new power supply where old power supplies was and slightly screw in the power supply onto the case.
Once the bailer door is open one must put the four wires through the holes in the back of the bailer. Remember to space the wires equally, otherwise it can cause the bail to fall apart, leaving a huge mess to clean up. After the wires are through the holes in the back of the bailer one must tighten the wires. Now the chains are to be fastened on the back of the crusher. Once that’s done the last thing to do is to use the up button to raise the bail so that it will fall on the pallet.
- Successful control must incorporate chemical applications due to prolific regrowth from underground tubers. - Priority to apply herbicide before next flowering period - IPM. Cutting off any vines thicker than a pencil at just
Inhalation of dust. Make sure gloves/face protection are worn. Cuts and scratches due to sharp objects eg scissors and needles, when scrubbing equipment be cautious. Sterilising packs and surgical gowns in the autoclave- when loaded adequate space must remain between shelves of rack to ensure steam circulation and penetration. When sterilisation is complete do not open the autoclave until the steam has been exhausted and the temp has fallen.
After all the acid has been completely added and the reaction has stopped, use a pipette to add a few extra drops of acid into the beaker until the reaction stops. 7. Place the beaker on a hot plate and heat on a high setting to boil off the water. WARNING: THERE WILL BE A SMALL AMOUNT OF HYDROCHLORIC ACID BOILING OF THE MIXTURE. DO NOT PLACE YOUR FACE DIRECTLY ABOVE THE BEAKER.
Use PPE | Provide safety harness, back brace, steel capped boots | D: Storing turpentine and other flammable solvents in a shed 1. Eliminate Risk | Store the solvents off site | 2. Substitute | Try and use different chemicals if possible | 3. Engineer | Limit access to the chemicals. Make sure shed is locked.
Biomembrane is irrigated to remove any debris. Then entire void was filled with the graft, care taken not to overstuff the void as this will make closure of biomembrane difficult. The biomembrane was repaired with absorbable vicryl sutures if possible, otherwise the soft tissue over it was repaired making the membrane fall back into place covering the graft completely. Watertight fascial closure was done, followed by skin closure using nylon. Post operative protocol.