Virtual Culture Essay

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How far virtual culture is becoming the new trend for youth to express their new ideas and values? Introduction Since the internet and other technologies have been integrated into the lives of several teenagers, scholars and commentators are debating the impact of these new media on the activities, social relationships and opinions of these youngsters. The Internet plays a vital role in shaping their values, attitudes and patterns of social behaviour. Young people aged 18 to 24 are considered to be the most active users of Internet across the globe. Life without the Internet is almost unimaginable. Humans are nowadays considered to be net-centric and non-functional without net connectivity. The Internet enables youth to feel connected to the world, a world which is often referred to as a cyber-society. The virtual culture is viewed as a quite alarming and intriguing issue at present. It is defined as “any computer–generated physical space… that can be experienced by many people at once”. (Castronova 2005:22). This virtual society consists of numerous advantages which can prove to be highly beneficial to our ‘digital natives’, as well as several drawbacks which have to be taken into consideration in order to prevent youngsters from being doomed. Impact of virtual Culture Virtual world has very much affected and influenced the youth social situation. Even if a simple game of simulation such as 'Second Life' has proven to be merely an entertainment to many youngsters, it actually initiates young individuals to gain a degree of comprehension and experiences for their real life. Young people do not limit themselves in the virtual world; they can undergo the same dilemmas that they face in the real world except that they have the advantage of not bearing the real consequences. It might seem like an oxymoron of virtual and real since what is made up in the virtual
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