Veterinarian Strengths

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A Love for all Creatures Big or Small Job for which you are applying for: Veterinarian What are your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to communicating? My strengths in communicating are when I meet new people and get to know them a little better I act as if we are friends so I feel more comfortable around them which makes my job a little bit easier especially since I have to work with people and getting to know them and their animals. Good communication will help when you have to work people and find out things. Another strength I have in communication is when I start to know people I feel more comfortable around them. This is good because when you are working with people and their pet the want to make sure they have chosen the…show more content…
When animals are sick they need to be taken care of in order to get better. I am going through college to get my degree in veterinary medicine to be able to become a vet. This shows that I am working hard in what I have to do to become a veterinarian and help save these animals. You always see those commercials with the animals that need homes and other things. Well when I become a vet I would like to make a place that all those animals could come to too have a home and be taken good care of instead of starving or living on the streets or wherever they may be living. I want to become a Vet because I want to help sick animals get better and help animals find…show more content…
I had a class called animal science and in that class every Tuesday we would go to different farms of different animals and learn more about them, the care they need and what not. One of the first farm that we went to was our teachers farm where he had piglets and we had the choice of basically neutering the piglets or not, which was where we had to cut open their “family jewels” and take them out. We had gone to their farms such as horse farms, pig farms, cow farms, goat farms, and turkey farms. At each one of those farms we learned more about each animal and the care that they need. At one of the farms we even got to artificially inseminate a pig and got to watch them collect bull semen and the last field trip was to a slaughter house. When we weren’t on these field trips and were in class we had quizzes and learned more about large farm animals. We even learned all the different types of cows, pigs, horses, goats, and whatever else I could almost name you each of the different species of each large animal because we learned them all. We also learned the different cuts of meat from the animal and where they come from off that certain animal. So I basically have learned a lot about farm animals and when I get to a larger state college I will probably learn more about small animals that way I will be all
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