Velocity Book Report

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The book Velocity written by Dean Koontz is a book I chose to read because I really like mysteries. I have a big interest in mysteries and just the title of the book Velocity took my interest. There were several interesting characters in this book. Billy Wiles was the main character who was being terrorized. Barbara Mandel was his fiance who was in a coma. Lanny Olsen was Billys friend who was a cop. Jackie Ohara owned the bar which Billy worked at. Ralph Cottle a drunken homeless guy who delivers a message to Billy. Steve Zillis a co-worker of Billy, and Ned Pearsall was a artist who had been visiting Napa County for about 6 months. It all started in Jackie Ohara's bar. A conversation started…show more content…
The killer is trying to frame Billy for the murders. Billy leaves Lannys house in a hurry and parks on the side the of the road. The killer comes to attack Billy while in his explorer. The next morning Billy receives a call telling him " Stay home this morning. An associate of mine will come to see you at 11:00. Wait for him on the front porch. If you dont stay home, I will kill a child. If you inform the police, I will kill a child. You seem so angry. Have I extended to you the hand of friendship? Yes, I have." The killers associate (Ralph Cottle) comes to Billys house and talks with him. The killer ends up killing Ralph Cottle inside of Billys house and then leaves before the Billy comes inside the house to find the corpse of Ralph. Billy is frantic and finds a way to dispose of Lanny and Ralphs body before anyone discovers they are missing. The killer then threatens to kill his fiance Barbara who is in a coma at the hospital. Billy goes through several clues to who he thinks the killer is and tortures Steve Zillis his co-worker.

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