value success Essay

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Describe how professional values impact career success Values are an important part of the inner personality of every individual. Your values could be different then the values of the professional who works next to you. However, it is very critical that the values that you have must be aligned with the job or the career that you are trying to undertake. It is critically important to look for values that not only satisfy you as an individual but values that are aligned with the values of your community and your heritage. While neglecting this important step in your career seeking you could be entering a career that could be brining you grief and perhaps failure. Your mind and your stomach will always remind you that the decision you have made was not correct because this job or career does not align with your own personal values. According to Joni Rose, a writer in training and professional development, and who has a lot of experience in adult education and corporate training explains that in order to succeed in a company you need to create a list of the top five values that you cannot live without while on the job. (Rose 2007) She explains that you must make a list of 20 values in order of highest priority and then start eliminating from that list all of the values that you do not feel are a burning need to have in a job. After you have a few the top ones on the list should be your must have career values. Some of the values that a professional should have regardless of the field that they are in should be honesty, professionalism, principles, respect, and dedication. I will now mention briefly how each of these values are directly related to the success of a professional career. Honesty – The value of honesty in the workplace will help you to develop accountability of your own mistakes and the acknowledgement of success of other people.

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