Utopian Society Essay

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UTOPIAN SOCIETY Most cultures have tried to come up with a Utopian society. A Utopian society is actually a society, where there is aggression, war, hate, and crime while the society are living peacefully with each other .Since human beings tend to do things as individuals and refuse to do things together in groups .So as long as there is no change of the nature of human beings a utopian society will remain to be a mere fantasy. To try to achieve a utopian like state a society must adapt itself. In the island of utopia the commitment was to social reforms and religion which are some characteristics of the human nature. The Writer uses his inventive powers, to narrate a story of an imaginary island whose society of virtuous pagans who live at, an advantage making them to have a reason to guide their own affairs and live in a state of nature. For instance there is no owning of things privately Utopia, goods are provided to the people of the society only when they need them, when they don’t they are kept in warehouses. Their houses have no locks and are rotated between the citizens every ten years. Both women and men have been given equal rights and everybody must be able to do at least one essential trade. Slavery is also present in utopia where the slaves are from another country or criminals .The Island also have a religion. Utopia is a society is organized in such a way it subverts property and rank. Property promotes pride according to Utopia governing the institutions. By making property to be held commonly the utopians have tried to eradicate pride enjoying conditions favorable that promote justice, piety, and peace. The Utopian society is somewhat complicated. It is ironical; this irony tries to explain the life experience in a Sixteenth Century society. It tries to cover almost every aspects of life such as the government, society, church, and
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