Urban Living Essay

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Your Choice What is an urban area? An Urban area is a higher population density and vast human features in comparison to many areas surrounding it. Today, urban areas are part of a lot of the world’s main cities that are involved in big parts of world’s society. Many of the urban environments started off as rural areas but have changed quickly over time. This occurred because of the changes in technology, culture, government, and even some of the urban attractions found. Urban living has been able to withhold great amounts of people in its area. Also many urban areas populate areas around them to. People have been able to find homes, jobs, ethnic groups, and entertainment in the urban areas. This system of urban areas providing for people has benefited many countries in different ways. These ways are such as economic, government both national and international, and entertainment. With economy reasons most of countries stock exchange headquarters are found in the big Urban City of the country. Then with government, national many of the capitals are in the urban populated areas and even with international government, the United Nations is located in New York City which is a highly popular urban city. Also the high urban population could have formed because of great exciting entertainment. Lastly, former President Alexander Hamilton even commented on the idea of urban by encouraging trade and manufacturing in city life. Many people might have agreed with me but some would agree that urban areas are not the best environments to live in. Even with the high population some advantages can be bad, especially with space. If you lived in the Urban area you might find that living space is small, uncomfortable, and some of the time dirty and sickening. This is why some people live around the urban city so that they can find a sense of privacy. Other reasons why urban
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