Unsavory Rumors In Edgar Allan Poe

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Edgar Allan Poe’s Life and the Unsavory Rumors Surrounding it Edgar Allan Poe’s life was made up almost entirely from when is father abandons his family in 1810. To “Elizabeth Poe dying of tuberculosis in 1811.” Poe lived a long healthy life while everyone died around him. Even his own wife and cousin Virginia Clemm died of tuberculosis after being married to him, at the age of 13, in 1847. Many rumors surrounding Edgar Allan Poe have come to light as the years pass, but these rumors about his public life, Private life, and his works did and still do confuse many because nothing was recorded about his life. The beginning of Poe’s life was full of rumors spread by him and others at school, place of business, and other means, “everything…show more content…
The reason for this is because “The essential details of Poe’s final days leave us with more questions then answers. (1.1)” The major rumor here is that Poe has died because of Alcohol. But “Dr. J.E. Snodgrass who examined Poe’s body feels certain that alcoholism was the reason why Poe had perished and then started to spread rumors at his temperance lectures in the early 1850’s that this is why he died. Another report of Poe’s death came from the hospital from J.P. Kennedy’s diary and read: “On Tuesday last Edgar Allan Poe died here in the hospital from the effects of debauch.” Debauch meaning an indulgence of drinking. But the problem with this rumor is that “The doctors checked his liver and found that even though he was a binge drinker that his liver was fine.” On the night that he was brought into the hospital he was examined very thoroughly and this adds even more of a question to how and why he died. There is an instance where people fight over what happened. “Dr. J Evans checked his body in 1856 and 1867 and exclaimed that he was intoxicated on the night that he died.” Where as Dr. John J Moran examined his body in 1875 and 1883 and states that there was no alcohol in his system the night of his death. Weather or not he was intoxicated the night of his death is a rumor…show more content…
This possible condition was his “Possible brain tumor.” (8) This isn’t a rumor that should have been taken lightly especially if this rumor had come about when he was alive (no one knows when this rumor actually started). This rumor was said to have sprung from the fact that Poe had a condition where “If he went without alcohol long enough his heartbeat would become irregular.” (8) Now as you may have guessed this is not normal for anyone and proves that Poe drank for so long that his body had become adapted to all of the alcohol in his system. Many rumors then came off of this idea that he could have a pre-existing condition. For example there were reports and rumors that went around town that night that Poe had become “Pale and had constructed a fever.” But these reports could not be confirmed nor denied. Poe had many issues and yet he didn’t do anything about
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