Argumentative Essay: The Death Of Edgar Allan Poe

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London Hyorth Ms. Scroggins English 1 (6th hour) 26 November 2012 The Death of Edgar Allan Poe Mr. Poe was 40 years old when he died on October 7, 1849. He had traveled by train from Richmond, Virginia to Baltimore a few days earlier, on September 28. Poe was discovered lying unconscious on September 28 on a wooden plank outside Ryan's saloon on Lombard St. in Baltimore. Many theories surround the death of Edgar Allan Poe. His death remains mysterious and disputed but of those theories, Rabies and alcohol have been most prevalent. Though he showed symptoms of both, signs lead more to encephalitic rabies. Mr. Poe was admitted to the hospital, and it was said that he refused the alcohol offered, and only consumed the water with great difficulty (“Edgar Allan Poe Mystery”). This is a classic symptom of Hydrophobia. He also suffered from confusion that would come and go along with wide swings in pulse rate, temperature, and respiration. These are symptoms of a person…show more content…
Scroggins English 1 (6th period) 26 November 2012 Works-Cited Page Benitez, Michael. “Rabies Death Theory.” Elements of Literature Third Course. Ed. Beers and Odell. Austin: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 2008. 222-226. Print. Benitez, Michael. “Rabies Death Theory.” New York Times, 26 September 1996. Web. 24 November 2012. Benitez, Michael R., Dr. “Poe’s Death is Rewritten as Case of Rabies, Not Telltale Alcohol.” The New York Times, 15 September 1996. 225-226. Print 25 November 2012. Health. PubMed. “Rabies.” National Library of Medicine. Web. 14 November 2012. Laverty, Shea. “What Are The Treatments For Human Rabies.” Live Strong Health, 2000. Web. 23 November 2012. Neyfakh, Leon. “Poe’s Mysterious Death: The Plot Thickens!” New York The Observer, 16 October 2007. Web. 25 November

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