University Qualifications Essay

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D.J. Kalyonov 501 Essay University qualifications often don’t meet the future employers’ requirements. Discuss the problem and suggest what might be done about it. For many fifth-year students who are graduating from universities in this country it is not obvious what they will do after their graduation party. In the last ten years it has become more and more difficult to find a decent job for a university graduates as the universities give qualifications that are usually below the level that are required by modern employers. So, in my essay I would like to consider some real efforts to be made which can help to change the situation for the better. One way to deal with the problem is to change the university curriculum and syllabus. The subjects at universities should be modern and useful for students in their future professions. If it is, for example, a profession of a teacher it doesn’t mean that a future teacher of English or Literature shouldn’t study IT at all. Besides, some of university subjects are not up to date, as they don’t give vocational guidance – they are useless in real life. Thus, one of the ways of solving the problem is to add some acute subjects to university curriculum and update the syllabus of particular subjects from the point of view of their vocational orientation which can help then university graduates to find jobs according to their qualifications. One more suggestion, which would help enormously, is to make university qualifications international. If university qualifications are international it means that qualified graduates will be required not only in this country but also in the whole world. To sum up, there are several measures which could be taken to improve university qualifications. However, it is up to everyone whether to fight for the changes or just to complain. 299
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