Importance Of Misperceptions In The New Liberal Arts

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Sanford J. Ungar, president of Goucher College in Baltimore, Maryland, describes misperceptions pertaining to the liberal arts and his response to each in “The New Liberal Arts”. A misperception means to misunderstand or have a mistaken belief about something. Sanford Ungar’s use of this word when writing the article predisposes the reader to his thoughts on the subject and, therefore, the reader is automatically inclined to believe that what Ungar says is true. The liberal arts involves taking courses and procuring a degree in the area of Arts or Sciences. These courses will be in general areas of study, like philosophy, mathematics, literature and so. A liberal arts education is more beneficial than a career education because it proves graduates…show more content…
He goes on to say in the second misperception, “college graduates are finding it harder to get good jobs with liberal arts degrees”, but “the recession has no differentiated among major fields of study in its impact” (192). Ungar believes students who focus on one particular field of study do not learn necessities such as writing and literary texts, and this puts them at a disadvantage when compared to a liberal arts graduate. While long-standing jobs, such as doctors and lawyers, will not become extinct soon, liberal arts graduates have a better chance of employment in most areas. 95% of employers surveyed would give hiring preference to graduates with skills to contribute in the workplace. 74% would recommend a liberal arts education to a young person they know today, so they will be prepared for success in today’s global economy. In fact, 91% of employers want students who have experience in resolving and working with others, with different opinions, in college. The unemployment rate for Humanities and Arts majors was 9%, while the unemployment rate for Law and Public Policy was 9.2% in 2013. Regardless, the after effects of the recession make it difficult to find employment in any department and does not put liberal arts graduates at a…show more content…
Ungar argues that the government is to blame for their lack of financial support and not the educational institution. Given that Sanford Ungar is the president of a small liberal-arts college, his obvious bias shows when suggesting that small liberal arts colleges are the most rewarding since they have more of a community feel and are usually independent. But, liberal-arts colleges are better in the financial department because they continue to work to expand “need-based financial aid, the net cost of attending” (196). Courtney Umhoefer graduated party from University of Wisconsin and Ohio State University in 2011 with a degree in consumer financial services. The cost of this left her with a student loan balance of $86,000. With her job and student loans to pay off, she only has about $400 left for herself and necessities each month. After having to move in with her parents, she says, "I'm not saving for my future. I can't see myself having children or getting married or saving for a house. I feel

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