Universal Fact In Lord Of The Flies

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Universal Fact: The people of any society usually want a say in the ruling or governing of that society. Universal reality: In history, when the majority of countries had rulers and kings, the common man was killed for even stating things to a certain extent as to disagree with the king or parliament itself. Just like long ago, these boys tried to build their own political state. Although Ralph, Piggy, and Jack all desired the same thing, to survive, they each had different ways of exerting or carrying out that desire. Each of their ideas had the similarity of survival. However, along with these notions came many faults that overtook the strengths that these ideas could hold, thus disabling any of the plans to work successfully. To begin with, Ralph, as the leader was given the authority to use the conch shell to summon everyone. He had every meeting that was held a discussion, rather than laws being put down forcefully upon everyone. In the novel, Ralph represents order and productive leadership. Also, Ralph fulfills the insecure feelings the boys have at the beginning of the book by influencing his own ambition unto them so that they feel the comfort of shelter and hope of rescue. One of Ralph’s strengths, although it also becomes one of his weaknesses later on is…show more content…
Although they have indeed come a long way since their plane crash, they all still have much to learn about on diversity and the various personalities that people in a society may hold. The amount of innocence lost within all the boys as they switch from their civilized manner is a great feat to overcome with contrasting leaders. Ralph was like their old secure life back home and Jack was the tainted life they have to live now that they can’t go back. The entire novel The Lord of the Flies is a good metaphor for all parts of life, society, and human
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