Unit 33 Health and Social Level 3

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Unit 33; promote equality and inclusion in health care or children and young people’s settings 1.1 Explain what is meant by diversity, equality and inclusion? Equality means every individual has a right to have chances that will support their present and future life, we cannot make every child the same, because they are all equal but different from one another, we can aim to offer each child equality of opportunity suited to each individual. Inclusion means each individual should have equal opportunities; everyone should be fully included in the setting, taking into account the diversity of the individual and families. Inclusion is the process of making this happen Diversity means differences between individuals and groups of people for example; age, culture, disability (mental, learning and physical), background, ethnicity and sexual orientation etc. Diversity means treating each individual the same and not different for reasons stated above, obviously if an individual has a disability then their maybe times they need more support etc. 1.2 Describe the potential effects of discrimination? Potential effects of discrimination include; Depression Anger Loss of self-esteem Loss of confidence Stress Isolation Individuals with disabilities who have been a victim of discrimination often develop psychiatric disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression. Mistreatment of an individual giving individual negative views on things this can cause risk of failure in young people as they lose self-esteem and confidence causing feelings of depression, guilt and failure. 1.3 Explain how inclusive practice promotes equality and supports diversity? By using inclusive practice you promote equality and diversity by equally treating individuals despite gender, race, religion etc. Ensuring everyone in the setting is involved and by doing so you
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