Unit 258 Essay

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Unit 258 1.1 * There are many different factors that can have an impact on people with sensory loss communication and awareness play a very large role. Negative * A sense of isolation * A loss of freedom * Attitudes and beliefs of others * Difficulties in eating and dressing * Hobbies and interests * Not being able to hear or see clearly Positive * Lip reading * British sign language (BSL) * Increased help * Sign language * A good support team * RNIB * Aid for support * Lip readin * 1.2 * Steps that may be taken to overcome factors that have a negative impact Are:- * Making a room easier to negotiate by leaving a clear pathway * Not shouting at a deaf person * Talking face to face * Hearing aids * Voice activated technology * Well lit room * Guide dogs * Braille * Canes * Speak slowly and clearly * 1.3 * Individuals can be disabled by other people taking over and organising their lives and assuming that they know what is best for the individual without taking into account the individuals views and what they want. Some people believe that because an individual has a sensory loss that they are unable to do things for themselves. 1.4 The best way to overcome disabling attitudes and beliefs is to challenge them, by taking the weakness and providing a service that will help the individual to carry on being as independent as possible for example the use of a hearing aid. There are organisations that can help e.g. RNIB, the local library who supply talking books, guide dogs, speaking a louder and clearly, standing in front of them so that they can hear and see you, staff training and by treating the

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