Unit 2.5 2.1 Describe Roles and Responsibilities of School Governors

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TDA 2.5 – 2.1 Describe roles and responsibilities of: school governors, senior management team, other statutory roles e.g. SENCO, teachers and support staff. ------------------------------------------------- There are many professionals working within a school, all have different roles and responsibilities, but they work together as a team for the best outcomes for the children. Below is a summary of the roles and responsibilities of some of them. School Governors Usually made up of a dozen or more people from within the local community, these can be councilors, a vicar or priest, local business people and also parents and teachers. They are volunteers and ensure that the school is delivering a good level of education. The governors are responsible for making decisions on the running of the school, looking at budgets, forecasts and authorising and agreeing on any changes or adjustments that need to be made to buildings. Governors may also be involved in funding, applying for grants and monitoring the overall standing of the school to ensure results are in line with expected achievement i.e. stats and ofstead. Governors will also deal with any complaints or concerns from parents. SENCO Special Educational Needs coordinator. A SENCO is involved with every school and mainly works with teachers and parents of a child who may have additional needs. This could be related to learning or a disability. A SENCO will assess children and if necessary develop an Individual Education Plan (IEP), that will give everyone targets to work to for the best outcome for the child. These targets are regularly reviewed and updated, to see that progress is achieved. The SENCO will support both children and parents, involving both to ensure that the child is supported in the best possible way. Teachers The teacher is responsible for teaching the children with guidelines

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