Understanding Roles, Reponsibilities and Relationships Within Education and Training.

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According to Gravell, (2012:18), the main role of the Teacher is to help learners achieve their chosen programme. Gravell went further to explain that this can be achieved by using various teaching and learning methods whilst taking into account learners individual needs. As a Team leader in the Princes Trust I will wear many hats: friend, judge, mentor, different roles for extracurricular duties. When I say mentor it means many things from a role model to coach to confidant, someone I believe who encourages positive behaviour this could be with the use of more responsibilities in the class room. Helping them improve the skills this could be through communication for example being able to understand situations and resolve differences which will build trust. When I say judge (How much a person has learnt), this can be done by assessing the progress they have made from the previous week this could be something as minor as holding conversations in the team with people they would not normally talk to. Allow them to express any concerns they have this could be with the course or in their home situation. I will explain the mixed range of the group, men and woman, school leaver single mums, Disabled. In relation to the training cycle I have the role of assessor and will carry out an initial assessment with them. During the initial meeting, I will try to identify each student needs. There are several ways I can do this; I will give them an application form and paper questionnaires to complete. In the form, I will sit down with them and ask questions that might help me spot individual needs such as, Dyslexia, English language needs, computer skills and any particular audio needs. If the questionnaire does not suit a leaner, I will review the method used by my organization and adapt it to suit the learner, this could be easily done by changing the format of the initial
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