Understand How to Handle Information

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R6751 Unit 7 - Understand how to handle information Task 2 - Guidelines The key legislation relating to health and safety in a social care setting How to maintain records so that they are up to date, complete, accurate and legible Maintaining records includes means that any information that is written down should be clear and accurate and it should be recorded straight away or as soon as practicable including a time, date, signature and printed name, using a black pen. If an error has been made then you should put a line through the error and initial it. All boxes on pro-formas should be completed. Maintaining accurate records are important to ensure that information is correct and can be easily understood and shared with colleagues and other professionals, if authorised to see it. For example: If a care support worker has found an effective means of communication with an individual they support, but has not made an accurate record to share their knowledge, their colleagues will not know the individuals preferences. This could result in causing distress to the individual. Updating and maintaining the accuracy of records and reports is vital to any care setting. The information could include personal information about the receiving care, the organisation, the people working there or for administrative purposes. This information can come in a range of ways, such as, - verbally (conversations, face to face or telephone) - on paper (Letter, individuals health records or instructions from health professionals) How to ensure records are stored securely Storing confidential paper records · Keep confidential records in locked storage cabinets or rooms. · Nominate a person who is responsible for holding keys to locked cabinets or rooms or store keys in a key safe with a nominated person in possession of key to safe. · Label the key with a number or
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