Truman's Hard Line Prompted The Cold War Analysis

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Analysis of the Essays There are those who blame the United States, those that blame the Soviet Union, and there are the post revisionists, who take no side. In analyzing these two essays, we see the two opposing opinions quite clearly (there is no essay in this chapter supporting the post revisionists). In the first essay, “Truman’s Hard Line Prompted the Cold War” by Walter Lafeber, the United States is put at fault for instigating the war. Lafeber gives numerous reasons, examples and evidence to strengthen his argument, and among them are: Truman’s hunger for power, his stubbornness to show himself as ‘tough’, and several economic and political reasons as well. Lafaber uses phrases such as “highly insecure” and “tried to compensate for his insecurity” to paint a negative image of Truman. According to the…show more content…
This too was against the advice of knowledgeable people such as Stimson. Decisions such as this one created a greater distance between the United States and Russia; giving Russia substantial reason to enter a war against the US. Truman continued in a downward spiral, setting himself and the United States up for a war with each action he took. The Truman Doctrine served as Truman’s declaration for war, after Stalin and Churchill already issued theirs. Aside from the general aspects of the doctrine, Truman used it as a platform to validate a large economic aid program. This is the primary example of Truman using economic tactics to bring the Western World together; this plan eventually failed and grew into a military approach. Through a classified document written during the Cold War (which became declassified in 1975) it became clear that the United States was scheming to create a war all along. They believed the best course of action to take is a response of an incredible buildup of the military. This NSC-68 document made it clear that “it was us against
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