Triple Route Model Of Reading

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Describe the triple-route model of reading and evaluate it’s effectiveness in explaining the symptom and causes of acquired dyslexia. Is this research useful in normal reading processes? To answer the question set it is important to first look at how processes of reading were developed by examining the dual route model of reading which later after studies on normal reading habits, studies on cognitive experimental research and neuropsychological cases became the triple route model. In understanding how this was developed it is essential to look dyslexia’s which played a huge part in learning about reading processes, then trying to understand them in terms of non sufferers, looking at classical and recent research. Reading is a seemingly effortless task for most adults to carry out. It has been highly argued and researched exactly how a person’s reading processes operate. Reading requires a number of perceptual processes and a number of cognitive processes, the goal of reading is not simply to turn the written word into speech but to understand, and possibly enjoy, a piece of text. (Eysenck and Keane 2005: 318) A model of reading devised by Ellis and Young (Ellis and Young 1996) proposed that it was a dual route process. This dual route theory has an indirect route which converts the written word into sounds, and a direct route which relies on our visual memory to obtain words. With this theory we can use both routes in parallel as sometimes we recognise a word through the direct/visual route, most commonly when the word has an irregular spelling therefore difficult to be sounded out, for example pint or one. But on the other hand we sometimes recognise words indirectly through the sound of the word, especially when the word has a regular spelling and can be sounded out, for example sister or forest (Matlin 2005: 317). A classic study which supports the

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