Transportation and Its Effect on Climate Change

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Transportation and its Effect on Climate Change Summary In this essay we will be covering eight topics on transportation and its effect on climate change. These topics include: the science of our issue (transportation), how/why it is controversial, how it relates to climate change, the media perspective, public opinion, the regulatory aspect, how our issue relates to economics, and our opinions/solutions. We chose transportation due to its enormous impact on climate change. Many studies have been conducted on the relationship between transportation and climate change because it is responsible for releasing carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into our Earth’s atmosphere. One could argue that transportation is the biggest reason climate change is occurring. But how do we fix transportation? Does anyone even care to right now? What are some solutions to this growing problem that cannot be ignored for much longer? The Science of Transportation & Climate Change In an article written by Yuri Yevdokimov titled Transportation and Climate Change, he states that the “Transportation sector is the primary consumer of petroleum products. It accounts for a growing fraction of global carbon dioxide emissions – one of the main greenhouse gases” (428). Most people are aware of the “greenhouse effect”. The sun’s rays enter the Earth’s atmosphere, but instead of radiating back out, the greenhouse gases trap the heat, thus warming the Earth more than normal. How/Why is this Issue Controversial? In the 2015 documentary Future Earth, transportation and its relationship to the environment are discussed, along with ideas on creating new ways of fueling our cars. In the video one man states that we have about one billion cars in the world today. By 2050 that number will double. Transportation is crucial to the way we live our lives, especially

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