Global Warming Rhetorical Analysis

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Global warming Do you believe in global warming? I don’t global warming has been a huge debate that will never come to an end. The liberals believe that humans play the biggest part of global warming because we burn fossil fuels and think we need to find a cleaner way to produce energy. The conservatives show that it’s the earth natural cycle and that the earth has been heating and cooling through out history. My views lean toward the conservatives side I believe in facts and proof. Liberals believe humans play a major part of global warming. In the article “Global Warming” Professor Jonathan haidt states that humans have increased the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. He also describes that the greenhouse gases In the atmosphere have risen in…show more content…
He dose this in order to prove that global warming is taking a huge effect on our climate. Liberals believe humans play a major part of global warming. The conservatives show that it’s the earth natural cycle and that the earth has ben heating and cooling through out history. Lisa Moore argues that the global warming is a lie to get a global warming tax and tells the truth on the swindles the liberals tell. It the article “ Swindles in the global warming” by lisa Moore claims that the liberals are just trying to get money from the government. She illustrates all of the lie the liberals use to swindle people into there trap. Furthermore she tells us the truth about the swindles and what the swindles are. She does this in order to show us the lie people put in our head to make a quick buck. Im on her side because people in this world will do you dirty real quick. The authors argument is that the earth isn’t heating up its cooling down. In the article “Sorry global warming alarmists, the earth is cooling” ,peter Ferrara argues that the earth is cooling because through
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