The New Ice Age: The Possibility of the Emergence of an Ice Age as a Result of Global Warming

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The New Ice Age: The Possibility of the Emergence of an Ice Age as a Result of Global Warming For years now, scientists and politicians alike have argued to accuracy of the theory of global warming. While a growing majority of scientists see global warming as a looming threat to the well-being of mankind, there are still a few that doubt the very existence of a threat at all. Within the group of scientists who believe that global warming is indeed happening, there are some who believe that it is simply an inevitable result of natural climate fluctuation, consistent with the changes in climate that we’ve seen in history. Many however, believe that global warming is the direct impact of manmade greenhouse gases being emitted into our troposphere. The evidence for the existence of global warming is plentiful and reliable, and most scientists scoff at those who deny a theory that they believe should be considered a fact. In the U.S. Department of Defense 2004 analysis, Peter Schwartz stated, “Global warming must be viewed as a serious threat to global stability, and should be elevated from a scientific debate to a U.S. national security concern.” (6) How do greenhouses gases change our climate, and where do they come from? The greenhouse gases are water vapor (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O). These gases come from a large variety of sources, including anything that burns oil or coal. When these gases are emitted into our atmosphere, they allow infrared radiation, UV radiation from the sun, and other visible light into the earth’s troposphere. As this energy is absorbed by the earth, it is transformed into heat, and in turn, warms the earth’s atmosphere. (5) As global industry and the development of nations increases, as do the emissions of these greenhouse gases, which only continues to increase the rate of global
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