Rogerian Argument Essay

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Chelsea Carr English 102-Sec 20 Rogerian Arguement 10-20-11 As the world gets older by the second it becomes increasingly apparent that, we as human beings should make some drastic changes in order to reverse the damage we have done to our planet. Recycling is the best example and maybe the easiest way to determine the fate of our planet. Green Revolution states, “in 2009, Americans generated approximately 243 million tons of waste 54.3% percent of that was dumped, 11.9% burned and 33.8 % of that was recycled” (Green). Could we imagine our world if that number rose more than 35%? Recycling is important to me not only because I am a member of this planet, but because I am an avid outdoorsmen and enjoy the small and subtle beauties that the world has to offer, and are and continue to be trashed, dumped upon and burned by lesser more ignorant people of society. Although small, my extrinsic ethos starts at home. My mother and I attend a medium sized church in a neighborhood lined with pristine trees and recycling bins on every corner, every Sunday my mom collects recyclables from the children in Sunday school and takes the profits and donates them to the local Catholic food ministry. Although she only collects plastic from the children (because glass may be hazardous), every small step towards a green planet, lessens her and my families carbon foot print on this earth. While others believe recycling squanders money, and is a wasteful use of precious energy, I believe sustainability and recycling can preserve earth and its peoples for many years to come. Unfortunately, others are not so apt to withhold their glass, plastic and paper. John Tierney, the author of “Recycling is Garbage” posted in the New York Times states that, “recycling squanders money and good will--and doesn't do much for the environment, either (Tierney).” Many believe that recycling makes no
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