Tobacco Use and Deceit in a Young Generation

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Causal Argument – Tobacco Use and Deceit In a Young Generation The young American generation is very influential to the growing society and economy as a whole. However, the same generation being spoke of is also very easily influenced; and not in a positive way. Today’s high school and college age Americans will have to deal with the actions and attitudes of those involved in the current debate over tobacco use in America. As today’s and tomorrow’s smokers and non-smokers, we need to understand that aspects of our future are being decided now. The social and media related exposure of smoking and deceit of the tobacco industries is leading incoming generations to create fatal health habits. The negative health effects of smoking and other tobacco use are well known and documented by nearly every health-conscious organization in the United States. Cancer, heart disease, and most major pulmonary diseases top the list of the most painful and deadly reasons to quit and not to start in the first place. It’s estimated that more than 1-in-6 deaths in the United States is due to cigarettes alone. In addition, more than three million people die every year worldwide from smoking related diseases (Pringle 44). Besides the transience statistics are the millions of additional colds, canker sores, cases of chronic bronchitis and dental issues that are related to the use of tobacco products. Tobacco use doesn’t just burden an individual’s health, put also places quite a financial burden on their bank account. Smoking even a half of a pack per day will cost the average individual upwards of two thousand dollars a year if the smoker uses one of the most popular brands, Camel or Marlboro, as most young smokers do. Add to that national annual health care costs and lost work revenues totaling seventy billion dollars, damages from the 38% of accidental fires attributed to

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