To What Extent Was the Development of the Post Stalin Thaw in Superpower Relations Between 1953 and 1961 the Result of Khrushchev's Policy of Peaceful Coexistence

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To what extent was the development of the post-Stalin thaw in superpower relations between 1953 and 1962 the result of Khrushchev’s policy of ‘Peaceful Coexistence’? The post-Stalin thaw in superpower relations refers to the period of time between 1953 and 1962 when both the US and the USSR had a more together approach to one another resulting in less hard line foreign policy and more toleration. The Thaw began after Stalin died in 1953 and therefore could be seen as a direct result of this change in leadership and the ending of Stalin’s dominant position in determining foreign policy. However, other factors such as Khrushchev’s less hard line policy of ‘peaceful coexistence’ and also the presidency of Eisenhower could also be seen to have had a significant effect on superpower relations. The policy of ‘peaceful coexistence’ focused on the idea of existing peacefully with capitalist states and was adopted by the communist countries. It aimed to exist peacefully with the West rather than conforming to the belief that communism and capitalism could not work and exist together and that one would need to be overthrown. Peaceful coexistence was accepted by most communist states although rejected by Chairman Mao who believed that the East should still adopt a hard line approach to capitalism. Peaceful Coexistence came about as the result of the change in leadership in the Soviet Union after Stalin’s death as Khrushchev came in to power and the policy came into effect at the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in 1956 and was a reaction to the tensions between the US and USSR. As the development of nuclear weapons became more prominent and the arms race came about, the threat of nuclear war became a possibility which neither of the superpowers wanted. This therefore led to Peaceful Coexistence which was brought about to end the tension between

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