To What Extent Was the Nuclear Arms Race a Stabilising Factor in the Cold War Between 1949 and 1963?

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To what extent was the nuclear arms race a stabilising factor in the cold war between 1949 and 1963? The nuclear arms race was very much a stabilising factor in the cold war, nuclear weapons were never used in an aggressive way. It was more the fear of each country using nuclear weapons against one another that aided the stabilisation of the cold war. It allowed the cold war to continue to be dormant and lives were not lost as a result of a catastrophic explosion. And with the cold war the likelihood would have been that once one side had launched a nuclear bomb, the other would and the cold war would have turned into a world- wide disaster. However there are some elements to the nuclear arms race that did not act as portraying it to be a stabilising factor. From 1949 both superpowers knowledge and developments of nuclear technology was expanding. Both sides wanted to match the others developments, if not exceed them in order to gain the upper hand and have more power over the other side due to the threat of the disruption a nuclear bomb explosion would cause. One, if not the most prominent way that the nuclear arms race stabilised the cold war was the threat of one being launched, both the USA and the USSR were both already threatened by the ideological capabilities of each other, which is why they feared the nuclear arms race would extend to not just trying to achieve the upper hand over their opponent. The fact that both sides were developing their nuclear weaponry and rapidly gaining a vast amount of nuclear bombs meant that it acted as a defence strategy in warning the up and coming countries who thought they would have an opportunity in joining the world superpowers, such as China. The damage that the weapons could cause were enough to not just warn each superpower of the sheer control that the other had but it warned the world too. An example of how the
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