Soviet Actions in Europe Between 1945 and 1947 Were Primarily Responsible for the Origins of the Cold War. Assess the Validity of This View.

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Soviet Actions In Europe Between 1945 And 1947 Were Primarily Responsible For The Origins Of The Cold War. Assess The Validity Of This View. There has been a debate regarding whether who had started the Cold War. Historians that follow a Traditionalist or Orthodox view have cited that it was the Soviet’s dominating expansionism regime and its force in spreading communism that was to blame. Another perspective, the Revisionist view initiated by the historian William Appleman Willams regards that the American’s attitude to dispense their ideology of capitalism as well as their tactics in using military means to dominate with world trade was the cause. On the other hand, historians such as John Lewis Gaddis follow a Post-Revisionist view that suggests neither countries were to blame and in fact the breakdown of relations was due to the misunderstandings during a period of mass “growing sense of insecurity” and acted upon failure to acknowledged each others fears. However, it is possible to suggest that one country is held responsible for the origins of the Cold War through the occurrences during this time. This discussion will outline these factors by debating the validity of the question in whether or not it was the Soviet’s attitude and involvement that were to blame. In February 1945 at the Yalta Conference which involved the “Big Three” displayed the highpoint of an inter-allied cooperation. The conference represented Joseph Stalin, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill’s productivity with committing to dealing with a lasting consensus of international relations. Although, they agreed on key decisions such as the division of Germany, the ratification of the United Nations, USSR gaining lands in Poland as well as the agreement of the Declaration of a Liberated Europe, there were cracks in the constructed agreements. The USA and USSR had disagreed upon the
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