To Develop Our Mind

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To Develop Our Mind Internet is playing an important role in our live. For example, Google, we use most time. It delivers plenty useful information we want in a short time. But using internet a lot is not doing good to our brain. The more we use the internet, the less we develop our brain. And the internet companies do not want us to use internet less. Because the more we use the internet, the more money they make. We can search the fact on internet to help if we need. If we want to develop our mind, we should turn off computers and cellphones, and let our brain be active. To develop our mind, we should not use electronic products a lot. Electronic products make our lives easier. But they also make us do less in our brain. Calculator is convenience for us when we doing some complex math problems. But now, smart phones with a calculator almost are held by every person. Even if a simple math problem, people are likely to use a calculator to solve it. When people use calculators is like using internet. They search the result and without thinking. In some situation, people calculate in their brains is faster than they use a calculator. For instance, calculating the sum of two digit numbers or three digit numbers. If people have tried a lot to calculate by brains, they can do faster than the calculator. To let our brain attentive, we should not multitask. People maybe can multitask and finish the jobs well in physical. But for brains, people are not able to think several things at the same time and do it well usually. People are easy to be distracted when they are multitasking. People cannot focus on thinking one thing when they are multitasking. Then they will be distracted. When people be distracted, they learn less from each things that they are thinking. in the end, they cannot done well in everything. In conclusion, there is a
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