Thirty Years War

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Topic: Analyze various ways in which the Thirty years’ war (1618-1648) represented a turning point in European history. The Thirty years War was a religious war between Catholic League and Protestant Union. The war started from 1618 until 1648. This war represented the forces that were violence toward the changing religious status of European. There were four phase in the Thirty years war which solve the political problem between Bourbon and Hapsburg. The war was ended with the Peace of Westphalia which allowed Calvinist to be accepted as a state chosen religion. The war was destructive but necessary because it showed that states cannot stay organized through religious ruling. There were four phases in Thirty Years war: Bohemian phase (1618 – 1624), Danish phase ( 1625 – 1629), Swedish phase (1630 – 1635) and French phase (1635 – 1648). The first two phase, the Catholic won, but the third phase Protestant was the dominant and the last one, there was no winner. The war ended with the peace treaty which show the secure of a state. It was necessary because different monarchies control different states, it is harder for states to stay unites since they were so far away from the central ruling. Like the Hapsburg from Spain ruled Austria, but the hash ruling brought the Dutch revolt and the split of Netherlands. This war is like a proof of nation and states marked off. The conclusion from the war is Calvinist was accepted as choice for religion of the Holy Roman Empire. Befor the war, Europe was going through the reformation and counter reformation because different religion kept publicizing toward the Catholic Church. Protestant was the growing force that pulled the war together because Europe couldnt be united with only one religion. The acceptance of Calvanist proved Europe people could have religious independence and in politic, politic wouldn’t be fixed on any
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