Theresa Schiavo Case Essay

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me year. An attempt give an emergency motion to delay the procedure flopped and the guardian, ordered to oversee the termination of the sources of nutrition and hydration to the patient. This is according to an application by Robert and Mary Schiavo (2005) on behalf of their daughter. How did this case reach the point one may ask, and the explanation is quite intriguing. The patient, Theresa Schiavo married Michael Schiavo in 1984 and they had six years of a normal marriage. Then in 1990, Theresa had a heart attack at the age of twenty-seven because of a potassium imbalance. She never regained consciousness until the present day because of her condition. She suffered a vegetative state all the while until her guardian decided to remove her status and euthanize her, causing her death. This is the point at which he differed with her…show more content…
According to Senate amendment (2003), she was in a permanent state of vegetative sleep. She could not wake up and her brain had almost lost all function. Since the heart attack, it had been steadily deteriorating due to lack of oxygen. The cerebral cortex sustained so much damage that at some points, spinal fluid replaced it in big quantities. This condition was incurable by human medicine, at least not yet. It would take divine intervention to change the situation in her favor, Guardianship of Schiavo, appeal statement, (2001). Despite all of this, the courts received petitions for experimental treatments for the ward that the patient inhabited at the time. The experimental treatment featured introduction of new treatment procedure but the motion received denial from the courts on February 15 of the same year (Circuit Court Order, 2005). The case elicited wide response from the media and even attention from the Supreme Court and congress. Everybody became interested in the case that sparked a new debate on the value of
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