Theology Essay About Friendship and the Book of Ruth

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The story of Ruth could represent a lot of different things. Friendship is one of them. Boaz, an Israelite, and Ruth, a foreigner, showed in the story the true fact that who you believe in or what religion you are doesn’t matter. In the story, Ruth starts gleaning in Boaz’s field. Boaz sees potential in Ruth and has heard her story of being extremely loyal to her mother-in-law, Naomi. He starts giving her more crops. Once Ruth notices this, she tells Naomi. Naomi then tells Ruth to go to the threshing floor where Boaz slept and uncover his feet and lay next to him. Boaz the next day decides that he will take Ruth in and marry her. This story teaches us that culture doesn’t matter. Boaz was an Israelite and Ruth was a gentile but it didn’t stop Boaz from being so kind to Ruth. Friendship is something I consider valuable and special. Some people, even my friends today, don’t look at it like that. I look at friends as people I could tell anything to, am myself with, laugh with them, and cry with them. Going back to the story friendship was a role played by Boaz and Ruth. They understood each other. Boaz did whatever he could to lift Ruth up, to give her more crops, to take her in for his wife. He knew her weakness was not having a man to take care of her or a home to live in and he helped her. Friends are supposed to lift up each other and help them with their weaknesses. Some people I know would rather see you fail so they can shine even more. Which again goes back to the story, Boaz could have not given Ruth any of his crops so he could sell them and become richer. However that is not how friends should work. Friends need to be there for you for good or bad, for poor or rich, and for Israelite or Gentile. Friendship is a major part in almost everyone’s life. Friendship could have a lot of different meanings just depending on the person. I like to think of friendship
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