The Weeping Woman

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The weeping woman is a painting that is full of pain and raw emotion. This is a painting created in France in the year of 1937 by the infamous Pablo Picasso. In this portrait of the weeping woman I see a woman with seriousness on her face. She’s troubled and her mixed facial features define obstacles she has to overcome. Due to the droopiness of her eyes we can conclude that her continuous waterfall of tears and loss of sleep disfigured the woman’s face to the point where she looks unrecognizable, but still we can clearly see that this woman is distraught. “Why is this woman crying,” one may ask themselves when first viewing the picture. Perhaps she’s lost a son or brother to something great. Could she be crying because she’s the target of her peers and now believes she has no self-worth? Is this woman crying because all she wants is a sense of belongingness or is she indeed a victim of something she has no control over? This picture I think touched a nerve for anyone that viewed it. It made you feel what this woman felt in the portrait. It touched me because it reminds me of myself. Like the woman I too cry when no one is around and like this picture she cries in a room where only the walls understand her pain. This portrait came after the bombing of Guernica. Guernica was also a painting Picasso did that symbolized the effects of the Spanish Civil war. This image too shows a woman weeping because she’s lost her son, along with other characters in the painting symbolizing the whole of Guernica being in a disastrous state during and after the war. Picasso’s mom wrote to him telling him the smoke from all the bombings and the burning of the city made her cry and that’s why Picasso created another weeping woman by herself so the viewers can focus their attention on the civilians that the war impacted. The weeping woman’s emotions are enough to tell us that the
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