The Vulnerable Population Analysis

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The Vulnerable Population I will be addressing today are the homeless. The current issue or problems affecting this population of the homeless is that there is no permanent housing, social services for job placement, nor treatment centers for the homeless with substance abuse. I feel that Housing of urban Development (HUD) is helping in every way possible. Addressing homelessness through permanent solutions is said to be one of The Housing or Urban Developments top priorities. The department has worked towards achieving this goal by encouraging a community based process which provides a comprehensive response to the homeless population’s different needs, such as outreach and assessment to identify an individual’s or family’s needs and make…show more content…
Las Vegas has also tried to place all of the homeless people into a concentrated area part of town to lower crime rates within the homeless encampments. Mrs. West says she understands the need to balance various issues, she says she will translate all of this into serving the homeless and providing peaceful neighborhoods for the public. The Southern Nevada Regional Planning Coalition, does a biennial census on the homeless which provides for inclement weather shelter, different organizations and county Representatives have been paying into a fund over the for regional planning, evaluation, and shelter. According to the homeless census of southern Nevada about 50,000 individuals, family members, and youth are homeless each year. Mrs. West also thinks that this number is not large in regards to the size of the area, but she will admit that Las Vegas has the nations’ largest amount of down and out homeless people. Mrs. West says’ the numbers may not create a fair picture since so much of the land is publically owned it is hard to compare with other states. One of Mrs. West recent census count showed that 21 percent of the population is “chronically homeless” including those who are mentally and physically disabled. There is also 73 percent of homeless people who are considered transitional or short-term because they suffer from some sort of trauma. Gambling could also be a factor in homelessness say’s Mrs. West, but loss of employment is the highest cause of homelessness, secondly addiction to alcohol and drugs. The Southern Nevada Regional Planning Coalition have a strategy which consist of three major strategies and they are titled “Help, Hope, Home” Help – Planning for outcome (build an infrastructure to deliver services and
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