The Voyages Of Zheng He

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The Voyages of Zheng He There are no limitations to the feats man is capable of achieving. Walking on the moon, inventing the battery, and discovering fire are all amazing accomplishments that will forever be remembered in history. The art of traveling affects society tremendously, and Zheng He, born in 1371 (World Eras, 2003), was one of the most celebrated and laudable explorers of the 14th century. Friendly relations and cultural blending were a result of the 30,000 miles Zheng He heroically traveled to parts of Asia, India, and Africa (Encyclopedia of Asian History, 1988.) His visits left lasting impressions on other countries and China became viewed as a respectable country. Some even say that He discovered districts in every continent apart from Europe (History Today.) He's voyages were some of the first long-distance and successful voyages in the world and will change China forever. Niel Schlager and Josh Lauer say, “his travels greatly extended the Chinese influence and helped make the country a world power.” (Science and its Times.) Zheng He was born in Yunnan, a southwestern province of China (Encyclopedia of Asian History, 1988.) He was raised Muslim by his parents, but then converted to Christianity (Xinhua News Agency.) He’s journey started in June of 1405 (Historic World Leaders, 1994.) 200 ships were used on his first journey (, which lasted six years (Historic World Leaders, 1994.) On his first journey, he traveled to Malacca, Palembang, and Calicut (World Eras, 2003.) Over the course of 28 years, He covered a total of 30,000 miles of ocean (World Eras, 2003.) Over thirty countries were visited and up to 28,000 men were included on the ships ( Countries including Java, Arabia, Sri Lanka, Bengal, the Ryanka Islands, Persia, Kenya, and Sumatra were just some of the countries He was able to visit. His visits left

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