The Value of Digital Privacy in an Information Technology

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| Describe one technology that allows an individual to research citizens’ private data. We are living in a world with rapid technological development. An increasing number of people are joining the “Information Age” via the Internet. Technology has spurred many social changes which have directly affected the lives of individuals, such as losing their private information. Searching engine is one of modern technologies that allow an individual to research other citizens’ private data. Within few years, Google becomes the most popular search engine which has been used all around the world. The name of Google has become a verb meaning to conduct a Web search. “Recently, Google began combining user data gathered from more than sixty Google products and services—including Google search—to create a single, comprehensive profile for each user.” (Search engine privacy, Mar. 9, 2012 ) According to Google’s self-stated mission: “to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful”, (Barbara Farfan, Guide). The mission is made by the company for providing convenience for Users, nevertheless it also becomes a tool of searching citizens’ private data. “Google ‘Flu Trends’ Raises Privacy Concerns”. (Search engine privacy, Nov. 12, 2008) Determine what measures citizens can take to protect private information or information they do not want to be disclosed. If we insisted on stopping using certain technologies, we won’t get those troubles. However, it won’t happen, because we seem like being enforced using it for work, study, search and even entertainment. We have already got to use to living with it, and it becomes a part of our life. So we need to find some ways to protect our privacy. There are some practical measures that citizens can take to protect themselves: never log into online banking sites

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