The Spartan Social System Deserves Little Admirati

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‘The Spartan social system deserves little admiration since it was based on cruelty and suppression of the weak’ is this a fair description of Spartan society explain your opinions The Spartan society was built up of 4 mains part to the Spartan society. These were the government, the normal Spartan people, the perioikoi and the helots. The Spartan people were controlled by the government which were mainly made up of the gerousia. The gerousia made the laws one what people should be killed and if people should be demoted down to inferiors. The main reason that people were demoted to inferiors was because they were cowardly in battle. This could be seen as cruel to be made an inferior because they were cowardly but it was like this because the Spartans wanted to be the greatest state in the known world and it could only do this by having the best armies, so it had not time for the cowards. The Gerousia also made a law that meant that they raged war on the helot. This was cruel but effective. The helots outnumbered the Spartans more than 10 to 1 so the Spartans had to be cruel to stop them uprising. Another way that the social system was cruel but effective was to take the best boys from the agoge and let them kill any helots that they meet. This was also done to stop the helots from uprising the gerousia had the power to do anything that they wanted within reason but it didn’t stop them killing any one that could be seen as a threat to the Spartan way of life even if the judgement was hazy due to their age and there power within Sparta. one other way that Sparta made sure that it keep up its military was to kill any babies that were not perfect, this was probably the cruel part of it all but what it did mean that the Spartans were all health humans and let them use very Spartan to help with the war may seem cruel now but it was tradition them and they

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