The Semantic Structure of the Phraseological Unit

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запустити пазурі в печінку vs. запустити спис у груди Both of expressions are related to a certain object directed at a human organ. However, which of them conveys a figurative meaning and which one will lead to a lethal outcome, i.e. death? Apparently, what distinguishes a phraseological unit from a free word combination is the fact that it doesn't mean what it says directly. Hence, a phraseological unit is a fixed expression which exists as an integral unity, and it's single meaning doesn't correspond to the separate meanings of its compound words. The following question springs out from this definition: how many sense layers build up a PhU structure? The semantic structure of the PU. The most important aspects are: the degree of inderdependence of the components, the degree of transparency of motivation, and stylistic characteristics. The inner form (the term of Potebnia) – the closest etymological meaning of the word, the means of expressing the content. It reflects the image. According to prof.Zorivchak, every PU as a polylexeme construction consists of a combination of lexemes with a certain structure and grammatical features (the first sense layer). The verbal image appears on the basis of the first sense layer and then is shaped into the phraseological meaning (the second sense layers). This general meaning is one semantic whole, which is the result of interrelationship of all individual semes. The verbal image is sometimes latent. This semantic structure is enriched by connotations (adherent and contextual). Оце біда, ще тебе люди в зуби візьмуть ( the image of malice, bad judgement, - to slender someone). Phraseological semantics – depends on the type of the PU, the component of the PU loses its meaning. Structural types: * Consist of one nominative and 1, 2 or 3 functional words at large, by the way, out of the way; * The structure of a

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