Comparison Between Descartes And Hume

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Let's compare Descartes with Hume. Hume was an empiricist. Empiricism, as rationalism, focuses on the knowledge and knowhow and the materials it is made of knowledge. The main representatives of empiricism were Locke, in the Baroque, and J. Berkeley and David Hume in English illustration. The main representatives of rationalism were Descartes, Leibnitz, Spinoza, and Malebranche (Joachim, 2006). Hume distinguishes two types of perceptions: impressions and ideas. Impressions are the immediate data of sense experience, while ideas are weak copies left in our mind after a sensory experience. It also distinguishes between simple and complex perceptions. The simple are indivisible and complex are severable. Critical metaphysics, denies the existence of the idea of substance, which does not correspond to any sensory experience (Curley, 2008). For Descartes, the method of math knowledge were more specifically Euclidean geometry, while for Hume was the physical Newton. Descartes used the deductive method, ranging from the universal to the particular (Chomsky, 2006). Hume used the inductive method, which goes from the particular to the universal. Hume believes that knowledge is likely. Descartes believed in the existence of innate ideas in man, undeniable truths and safe, but Hume denies, since for him the human mind at birth is like a blank book in which you type through the experience (Spicker, 2000). Rationalism is a philosophical theory which originates in the thought of Descartes (1596-1650, French philosopher). Do not forget either that rationalism did not involve the overcoming of religious thought; on the contrary, the notion of God was very important in the rationalist philosophical systems (Joachim, 2006). Descartes valued above all reason and believed that this ability was able to give us important content, while procedures that ensured its truth. The reason

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