The Russian Revolution - Why, How and the Consequences

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The Russian Revolution The Russian Revolution Why did it happen? The Russian Revolution was due to the culmination of repression and unrest over a great period of time. In the late 19th/ early 20th century Russia was an enormous empire home to over 170 million people of many different cultures, languages and religions, stretching from the Pacific to Poland. It was difficult ruling such a massive state and the complications within Russia caused a revolution which swept the old system away. A variety of long term and short term factors caused this revolution. The Tsarist autocratic rule was a key factor in the revolution. Most Russians lived in medieval conditions with all the diseases that poverty brings whilst the Tsar and aristocracy lived in opulent luxury. The people were enforced to pay heavy taxes whilst living in desperate poverty, famine and were at best badly educated. Some felt that other countries were progressing at a faster pace and the Tsar should embrace their way of thinking. Dissatisfaction with the autocracy climaxed following the Bloody Sunday massacre in 1905 where workers had their pleas for equality rejected as the Tsars troops shot hundreds of unarmed protesters resulting in huge national turmoil. Father Gapon described the scene “The crowd first knelt and then lay flat down, hiding their heads from the rain of bullets…at last the firing ceased. I stood up with a few others who remained uninjured and looked down at the bodies that lay around me…I saw the scarlet stain of blood upon the snow…horror crept into my heart. The thought flashed through my mind: “This is the work of our Little Father, the Tsar. There is no longer any Tsar for us”. In the years before World War 1 Russia was becoming industrialized at a rapid pace. This caused massive overcrowding and poor conditions in urban areas. The sanitation and safety conditions were
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