The Role Of Communication In Health And Social Care Communication

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Communication in Health & Social Care When working in Health & Social Care Communication is one of the most important skills that we use. This task is designed to help you understand that we Are ALWAYS communicating!! You have 2 tasks that need completing; Task 1: a diary giving 3 examples of when you communicated through the day. We want you to think about HOW and WHY we communicate. Task 2: A poster to show 8 different pictures demonstrating different types of communication used in health and social care with a written explanation about each picture. Use the internet, magazines or your own drawings Examples: written reports, e-mails, phone, people talking, sign language -------------------------------------------------…show more content…
Group:………………………………………………………………………………………. ------------------------------------------------- Submission date:………………………………………………………………………. ------------------------------------------------- Communications in Health & Social Care Diary Task 1 – to be completed during the first week of your course – You need to hand it to your personal tutor at the beginning of the 2nd week. Friday– 10th September | What was the occasion or evente.g. where were you? | Who were you communicating with | What type of communication did you use and why?e.g. speaking, writing, mobile phone, facial expression, hand gestures, listening, tone of voice – 1:1 or group or alone | Examples: 1. Sat on the bus with my friend 2. Watching tv at home | My friend Jean who is the same age as meSat on my own | We were talking to each other 1:1, we spoke quietly as we were on the bus. I used different facial expressions as she was telling me something horrible that happened to her. We saw a friend when on the bus so we waved at her – hand gesture used. Listening to the tv – this was verbal communication and visual as I saw pictures on the tv and video clips | | |

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