The Pros And Cons Of Migration

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Immigration, it has been the defining characteristic of many countries as it helped to create a diversified environment. Throughout history persons have decided to relocate for a variety of reasons which has undoubtedly molded our now reality. There are quite a number of pull and push factors that contribute to people movement. According to James M. Rubenstein (2014) “Pull factors induces people to move out of their present location whereas a pull factor induces persons to move into a new location.” When these factors are taken into consideration we are able to dwell specifically on the reasons persons choose to make this lifetime decision. Migration studies would examine patterns migrants would take in an effort to understand which of these factors stimulated their movement. Countries would experience both benefits and costs as a result of immigration as citizens would require or contribute additional resources upon relocating. Most persons migrate as a result of three main objectives which include: economic opportunity, cultural freedom, environmental comfort and not to mention forced migration. Migration is a phenomenon that cannot be separated by concepts of development and human rights.…show more content…
This occurrence is a result of laws being drawn during the developing stages of the country with later amendments as the population see as a need. For example, a child born in the United States is an American from birth and the right to vote for foreign residence is recognized in many states. While on the other hand the children born of migrants in Italy even though they can speak Italian cannot have citizenship until they are eighteen. November 1st, 2014 the Government of The Bahamas commenced its strict measures to curb the level of illegal migration, by making major shifts to the country's immigration policy as follows: “Registration as it relates to citizenship of a minor in the Bahamas is classified
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