The Potential Benefits of Western and Holistic Medicine Used in Tandem

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The potential benefits of western and holistic medicine used in tandem By Suzanne Blakeman With the first written record in approximately 2600 B.C., ( modern medicine is comparatively new to health care, when compared side-by-side to holistic medicine. Holistic medicine, also called homeopathy and integrative medicine, has been in practice since the beginning of time. Regardless of fundamental differences, modern medicine and holistic medicine can be successful when used jointly to create a synergistic health care plan for a greater well-being of patients. In other words, the utilization of modern medicine and holistic medicine simultaneously, in both prevention and healing, will create a more beneficial treatment plan for the patient than either holistic healthcare or modern medicine could do alone. Holistic health care places the emphasis on giving knowledge, and ultimately the responsibility, to the individual patient in the treatment of their wellness and healing. The practice not only recognizes, but also works with the relationship between the body, mind, emotions and spirit. The principal focus is on reducing stress, a significant cause of many illnesses, and buttressing the body's own self-healing capabilities. The importance in holistic health care is in recognizing the symptoms as they come to light, and at the same time eliminating the cause of the symptoms in the process of restoring health and energy in the shortest possible time. The healing for the patient takes place when the wellness factors coexist in alignment and balance. The role of a holistic practitioner is to be a mentor and guide the patient to do his or her own work toward wellness. In order to succeed in this endeavor, the adjustments suggested by the practitioner can include changes in lifestyle and diet, breaking old habits, and possibly even the need to alter

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