The Percius Ruby (My Interview with a Senior Citizen)

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Looking at the Senior Citizen’s in Wynne, Arkansas you never would know their story just by looking at them. So I sat down with a resident and asked her about her life. Ruby L. Bolden was a good candidate for learning about an older person’s life and at age 67 she had a lot to say. Born July 6, 1945, Ruby L. Cummings is named after the precious stone. She was named by her mother and father Rosie Lee and Redell Cummings. She is the first of eight children. After her, then her brothers: Lee Eddie and Redell Jr., next sisters: Betty Jo, Alice Marie, Mary Anne, and Terry Lynn, lastly is brother Stanley. She was born and raised in her home town of Wynne, where her family lived in the country. She was brought up in a very friendly community. Ruby went to elementary, middle, and high school at Childress High School. At the time that she was in school, Wynne’s School District was segregated. That meant that all African-American students were sent to the same place for school, no matter what grade they were in. She was very talkative in her classes. That is how she figured who her favorite teacher was. This teacher would teach her adding and subtracting by corporal punishment. This confused me, because she said Mrs. Wimbush was her favorite teacher. She later explained that Mrs. Wimbush showed her the potential in her and brought it out. Although math became her best subject, physical education was her favorite. Her senior year of high school she spent most of her social time with friends: Rosie Baldwin, Billie Jean Bailey, and Betty Crawford. These are friends she still keeps in contact with as much as possible today. Probably because they was with her during her most memorable event in high schoo which was her senior prom. I was not able to get much detail on that subject (for understandable reasons). Her senior year was also filled with excitement, because of the

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