Senior Year Essay

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Senior Year It was the fall of 1984; I was a senior in high school, this wasn’t a new school for me, I had attended this school for the last three years. Getting to school that morning proved to be very exciting, entering the doors at Hanau American High, this was going to be my last first day of school there. We were all excited to see each other, although we may have seen each other during the summer. This time I walked in with my head held high, I was a senior. We were going to rule the school, was going to be the best school year of my life. We had so much to look forward too, and we knew that this school year was going to fly by between homecoming, spring break, prom, and graduation; no one knew which was going to leave the most memorable memory. As the school year continued to go in full force, we started to prepare for all of the different activities. The first main event that took place was homecoming, in Germany or at least my high school homecoming is where all of the different sports actually have a home game. It made for a fun filled weekend. The most exciting thing was getting ready for spirit week, the dance, buying a dress, getting my hair done these were all things that went with homecoming. This was just something that I wasn’t looking forward to, although it was going to be one of the best times of my senior year. As the school year continued, things got to be even more eventful, spring break was coming up. This was something that I had looked forward too for three years. Although I was so looking forward to going or attending the spring break activities, I had a big job ahead of me. It wasn’t going to be easy to talk my parents into letting me go on the spring break trip which was to Spain. This is something that every year our school participated in; I thought it was going to be easier since it was my senior year. I had been asked for the
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