The Outbreak of the Mexican War

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The End Production Effects of the Mexican War After countless battles that arose, the Mexican war ended when the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was enacted. Although, The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ended the war with Mexico, disputes still existed and there were inequalities between the two countries. The end of the Mexican war created an abundant amount of negative and positive results that altered the history of the United States of America and Mexican American society. To be specific, although there were numerous states that were involved throughout the struggles occurring, Texas and Mexico were the two that influenced the Mexican War. Mexico was in ruins after the Mexican American war and for a while remained in hot water, because of the economic struggles and the violent attacks that were occurring between others who were in search of prospering. In my opinion, the Mexican War brought much decrease of power to the Mexican society. Desperate for money, Mexico seriously needed a settlement and the conclusion was selling most of their land to the United States of America for a total amount of 15 million dollars (pg. 101). After not only losing a huge amount of land to the United States of America, many Mexicans such as the gold diggers and even New Mexicans that had already been residing in American territory had to face problems with their own civil rights and citizenship (pg.103, pg.104). This is what shaped the geographical boundaries that the United States has today. The Mexican war did not leave a pleasing result for New Mexico and many of the Mexicans residing in the Southwest because of the violent attacks coming from the Indians in their settlements (pg.104). Although Mexico was angered by the loss of their land, some Mexicans in specific were grateful for the settlement because now Mexico had protection from the United States for their properties

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