Overt Discrimination In America

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Betsy Jimenez English Composition II Ms. Bonnie Lee January 7, 2013 Immigration, Arizona SB 1070 “Mexican Americans were dispossessed very much of their land and subject to discriminatory treatment in every aspect of their lives: in employment, in housing and in education. Overt discrimination is probably worst in Texas, where the state law enforcement agency known as the Texas rangers has long had a well-deserved reputation for brutality toward Mexican Americans”(Daniels, 314). History has proven to repeat itself throughout the years. As we grow stronger as a nation we have been pushing those who have helped us create America to the borders of embarrassment. By allowing racial profiling to be practiced, the Arizona immigration law…show more content…
Isn’t the federal law in charge of immigration? Why must our local officials then deal with immigration issues? We are creating a vicious circle of hate, what guarantees the citizens that police officials will not violate or take advantage of the power that they have been given? This new law is “giving police officers a green light to harass anyone who looks or sounds foreign” explained Alessandra Soler Meetze, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Arizona. The question again arises, how will the officer detect these illegal immigrants? When asked this question to Gov. Brewer she simply stated that she did not know how. Every police officials is going to be trained to do this job, but again what does an illegal immigrant looks…show more content…
What will be the future of these young students? They should not be punished for their parent’s actions and the government’s laws. This new law has had a major impact not only on Hispanics citizen in Arizona but on students attending the University of Arizona. Based on the data collected by “the chronicles of higher education”, a partial amount of out of state students has refused to return back to the university due to fear of racial profiling. This is due to not only police man asking people for proof of legal residence, but college officials as well. In fact there has been a decrease in new freshman enrollment. Considering the fact that a big number of students in this school consist of Hispanics, this is sure to bring a fearful and unconformable atmosphere. We are composed of people from all around the world who has decided to come to the United States looking for a better life. This Arizona act is depriving so many people of that dream. It is braking up families killing young children’s dreams and forcing students to do a double take on higher education. Where is the progress America has made as a
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